Medical faculty is the same age, Altai State Medical University in 1954, he began with the formation of the university. He is the largest by number of students among all universities of the Altai Territory and one of the world's largest medical universities in Russia. All the departments of the medical faculty headed by doctors and professors. Transmit their knowledge to students two corresponding member of RAMS, 80 doctors and 230 candidates of sciences, including 6 Honoured Higher School of Russia, more than 10 distinguished physicians of Russia.
With a powerful scientific and pedagogical potential, the faculty continues to steadily follow the glorious traditions of their famous scientific schools, the founders of which were professors Barkagan Zinovy ​​Solomonovich Neimark Israel Isayevich, Vitaly Kryukov. Followers of the case - many students. In the preparation of future physicians are more than 50 departments of the university, which are located in academic buildings and bases AGMU best hospitals in Barnaul and Altai Krai. Chair equipped with equipment and facilities, including modern computer rooms, multi-function printers and scanners, multimedia installation.
Employees of the clinical departments involved in the development and implementation of the so-called high-tech medical interventions, creating standards for diagnosis and treatment of patients, writing textbooks and major textbooks nationwide level.
Graduates of the Faculty of Medicine in recent years successfully passed final state certification and receive a medical degree, which allows further selection of more than 100 medical specialties.
In accordance with the Russian Ministry of Health Medical Faculty GBOU VPO AGMU trains physicians in the specialty: 060101 "Medicine".
The main educational program on specialty 060101 "Medicine" of the medical faculty of the University in the last 3 years (2010, 2011 and 2012.) Is among the winners of the National Competition "" Best Educational Programs of Innovative Russia.
In 2009, The anniversary edition of the medical faculty, which is the fiftieth time joined the ranks of doctors in hospitals in the Altai region and beyond. Currently, 95% of doctors in the Altai region are graduates AGMU, in particular - the medical faculty.
Graduates of the faculty carry out professional activity in health care of various forms of ownership, health authorities, professional educational institutions, research institutions, social protection, etc.
In what can be a one-year follow-Graduate Specialization in internship (surgery, internal medicine, obstetrics and gynecology, endocrinology, etc.), as well as training in residency and graduate.
Altai State Medical University (ASMU) established in 1954, is one of the leading medical schools in Western Siberia. The university has trained more than 20,000 graduates. The university has more than 100 doctors and 350 candidates of science at their high school.
AGMU, the federal government agency of the regional level, which is the center of higher education, science, health and professional culture in continuing medical and pharmaceutical education in the region and adjacent areas. The university provides all types of training and re-training of doctors, pharmacists, specialists in economics and management in health care for the Altai region, Altai Republic, and the Republic of Tuva.
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